Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Two weeks of letters

Sept. 7, 2015
Well I am not really sure what to write this week. So I will write something interesting that President Castro told us this week. He was just talking and then he said, "The time of the gentiles is finishing, and soon will be the time of the Jews.”
 I was like what? So you and dad can think a little about that and know that the Lord is guiding His work. It is fast and furious ;) take the time to share your testimony with someone this week, in the store or whatever place you are at. Make a goal to share a part of your testimony with one person this week!
Well this week was full of surprise conferences and preparing food for Sister Castro the way she likes it and working in the area of the Elders because they went to do splits ten hours away by boat and then working in the area of the sisters because Sister Eisele was sick so I took care of her and let Sister Teixeira take my companion to help them with their area.
This week has already started off well. This week I have thought about how grateful I am for the way you and dad raised me; that I can do things by myself and not need anyone. The new American sister is the complete opposite.  It has been interesting to live with the other sisters. It is funny to watch people, but it is not fun when I am involved. haha but let’s just say I keep the peace ;) and soon I will need to teach the other American how to clean and cook and do things for herself. But besides that all is calm and good. So the computer I am using today isn’t letting me send pictures. So next week I will send more haha. Yep, well until next week :) keep it up! 
I Love you,
Love Sister Post
Sept. 14, 2015
No one knows the name of a drill rig here in Brazil.. haha but I showed everyone what dad does for a living :)
So this week has been interesting. Last Wednesday I went to Manaus because Sister Castro ordered me to see someone about my hair. Let me explain; so like for the past three to five months I have been losing a lot of hair, a lot. Like now I have half of the hair I came to Brazil with haha and so I went and they took some blood and then they will get the tests results next Friday. haha funny story this is but all is good. It has to do with stress but Sister Castro likes us to be pretty missionaries ;) anyways the trip was fast and we returned on Friday but I will probably return next week thanks to transfers.. haha yeah I don’t know where I will go but I know I won’t be staying here. 
So while I was in the Mission home I asked President Castro what the difference was between dreams and something more, and he was like dreams or visions and I was like uh yeah haha and then he told me that it has to do with the feeling. That makes sense because we dream of anything and everything, but if we feel the peace, love, calmness, and all things testified by the spirit we should take heed. I think back to Lehi's dream of the tree of life and how he had such a strong feeling with it. Anyways that was something new I learned this week.
Transfers are next week, so I will probably be writing you from a different area.. haha 
Another thing I learned. When we are in preparation for a big event with the Lord, the adversary will try everything he can to keep up from that. For example for the last two weeks we have been preparing to do a new thing called a blessing. I don’t know if this is new but we got the news that we as sisters can now give blessings to people, not like men with the hands laid on the head and with the priesthood but through prayer, calling upon the power of the priesthood by our calling as missionaries of the Lord. Because we have been called of the Prophet we can call upon the powers of Heaven and give blessings in the name of the Lord. We have been preparing for this for about two weeks  now and it has been so amazing! We leave blessings in every house that is opened to us! To the members and investigators! We ask them what they would ask of Christ if he were in the room with us and then we ask the Lord for those things for them in a blessing! It is amazing! So these two weeks we have been preparing to do this with our companions and these two weeks have been so hard! Wow. haha but this week we will be able to do it and I am so excited!  Because when we pray we do it in a special way and while we are talking we are searching for the words the Lord would have us say and wow it is quite the experience! Priesthood holders are so lucky to be able to do this whenever the need arises! But us as women only have this ability when called as missionaries but it has been so amazing!
I know that all is well and that the Lord is always with us! I love you!
Sister Post 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Why is the name of the church so long?

August 31, 2015
Sister Sunaga came with Sister Santos to do splits! It was so fun to teach with her again! Now that I can speak Portuguese... hahahaha it is so much fun! We work so well together and the spirit was huge and strong! We talked so much! Man it would be a day really good if we were companions again, even if it were for just one transfer. She is so cute! She told me, "Filha, estou tão orgulho da missionaria que você tornou!" haha (which is daughter, I am so proud of the missionary you have become!) She is so cute! 

I don’t have a lot of things to write about because I literally forgot everything when I got in here.. haha 
A lot of things happen, but I just don’t remember. This week we hit all our goals we had set really high, so now we will make them our normal and keep stretching our progress. We are teaching lots, but as I watch people I am seeing that it is the small things that really keep people from living on a higher plain of life. In reality it is the small things that the adversary puts in our lives to distract, or to slowly take us away. For example we re-activated a family where the only problem was waking up in the morning for church. The husband was one of the two first missionaries from here to serve and he was having a hard time with some principals of the gospel, but where it all began was not wanting to wake up. So really we should be careful of the small things, because just as small things bring to pass great and marvelous works, small things can take us away from the light we had once held high for the world to see.
Our days are passing by faster and faster, the Lord will bless his saints, but he cannot take away our agency. We need to be more careful every day. Remind ourselves of the small things, say a prayer, read a scripture, and keep our eyes and hearts single to the glory of God, then we can know of a surety that we are on the right path. 
Here is a little thought. Why is the name of the church so long? It is named after Christ to show it is his church, The Church of Jesus Christ. It states that it is the same now as it was in the past, of Later Day; and lastly it states that we are followers of Christ, trying to become holy through the atonement, Saints.  So putting it all together we are just proclaiming to the world that this is the Church of Christ which he had established in the past and we are trying to become like him :) so we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints :) I know that he is the head of His church! I know that he talks face to face with President Thomas S. Monson and his Apostles. I know that we have the power and authority again on the earth for the benefit and well-being of man! I know the power of the Priesthood is real! I know that Heavenly Father loves us! and that it is through Christ all things are done! 
I love you and miss you!  I know that the next nine and a half-ish months will pass by really fast! I am still very much excited to be here! I can’t believe I will do nine months here in Brazil this month! It has already passed by so fast! But I can look back and see the process the Lord has led me! And without a doubt I have been changed. I know that Heavenly Father doesn’t just exist, because things that exist will one day cease to exist, but Heavenly Father lives! I know that our Savior Lives! One day we can walk into his open arms and hear him say, "well done my beloved daughter, or son." They Love us! They Love me and They Love you! They are literally rooting for us and are so pleased when we choose to make the right choices! To follow Christ! To come unto Him and not only choose but to act! They are in our lives every day! Take a moment to say a little prayer of thanks for all that they have done and you will see how much your life has been blessed!
I have been so blessed! I couldn’t type it all! I am so grateful for my family! For the opportunity to grow up singing I AM A CHILD OF GOD! Because I know it is true! Take a moment to write a friend, or family member and tell them you love them! Remind them that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loves them too! You will see the smile to confirm that fact!

Funny story:
This new American Sister is really tall haha and bigger than me and she wanted to arm wrestle so I was like okay. Yeah I won haha everyone one was looking at me like what the.. haha Sister Post is really strong haha it was funny. We get a lot of references from an English school. It is fun to go there and watch people try to speak English haha.

I drew faces on my toes to try and make my companion laugh, it worked :) and I thought of you Dad, because you always drew smiley faces on my feet haha :)

I love you!
Sister Post